Near-Infrared Fluorescent Nanoprobes for Revealing the Role of Dopamine in Drug Addiction

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2018 Feb 7;10(5):4359-4368. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b12005. Epub 2018 Jan 23.

Near-Infrared Fluorescent Nanoprobes for Revealing the Role of Dopamine in Drug Addiction

Peijian Feng 1, Yulei Chen 1, Lei Zhang 2, Cheng-Gen Qian 1, Xuanzhong Xiao 1, Xu Han 1, Qun-Dong Shen 1


Brain imaging techniques enable visualizing the activity of central nervous system without invasive neurosurgery. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter. Its fluctuation in brain leads to a wide range of diseases and disorders, like drug addiction, depression, and Parkinson’s disease. We designed near-infrared fluorescence dopamine-responsive nanoprobes (DRNs) for brain activity imaging during drug abuse and addiction process. On the basis of light-induced electron transfer between DRNs and dopamine and molecular wire effect of the DRNs, we can track the dynamical change of the neurotransmitter level in the physiological environment and the releasing of the neurotransmitter in living dopaminergic neurons in response to nicotine stimulation. The functional near-infrared fluorescence imaging can dynamically track the dopamine level in the mice midbrain under normal or drug-activated condition and evaluate the long-term effect of addictive substances to the brain. This strategy has the potential for studying neural activity under physiological condition.

Keywords: brain activity; dopamine-responsive; drug addiction; functional neuroimaging; near-infrared fluorescence.

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