Preparation method of Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide solution

Tetramethylammonium hydroxide solution we supply mainly are Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide aqueous solution and Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide methanol solution. The following are several general methods for preparing these materials:

1. Synthesis method (Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide methanol solution)

Tetramethyl ammonium chloride+NaOH/KOH (solution: methanol) →Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide 25% methanol solution

2. Electrolytic method (Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide aqueous solution)

①Trimethyl amine+dimethyl carbonate → Tetramethyl ammonium bicarbonate aqueous solution → Electrolysis → Tetramethyl hydroxide ammonium hydroxide (about 25%) → Concentration or dilution →Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide 10% or 25% aqueous solution

Features: Low cost, produce CO2, and high carbonate content in the finished product

②Tetramethyl ammonium chloride → Electrolysis → Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (about 25%) → Concentration or dilution→Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide 10% or 25% aqueous solution

Features: High cost, producing chlorine gas, and high chloride ion content in the finished product

Tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide
